Read the article from the monthly review Africa e Affari (Africa and Business) for MARCH 2022, written by the head of OAK, our own Fabio Massimi, on the new SACE instruments and the 394/81 Funds of Simest, financed in part through resources made available by the European Union under the N.R.R.P.Read More
Read the article from the monthly review Africa e Affari (Africa and Business) for FEBRUARY 2022, written by the head of OAK, our own Fabio Massimi, on the 394/81 Funds of Simest,Read More
Read the article in the monthly review Africa e Affari (Africa and Business) for MAY 2021, written by the head of OAK, our very own Fabio Massimi, on the 394/81 Funds of Simest.Read More
Italy is Algeria’s leading export market, as well as its third largest supplier, two statistics that, all on their own, demonstrate the importance of trade relations between these two countries facing onto the Mediterranean Sea: relations rooted in history.Read More
A new partnership begins today between OAK and AFRICAeAFFARI, for the purpose of making available information on the instruments of facilitated financing offered by SIMEST to Italian companies.Read More